Guidelines for presentation of Papers/Posters:

Participants willing to present papers/posters may send abstract within 200 words for approval. They must send abstract in MS word file. Scientific committee will approve the abstract/papers and the decision of committee will be final. After the approval of the abstract participant will be given 15 days time to submit the full paper and these will be published in a peer reviewed journal. Those who are willing to present paper / poster must register as delegate.

Last Date for submission of Abstract: 30 September, 2024

Send by email to:

With subject line “Abstract Paper for SAMYOJANAM 2024”   

Oral and poster abstracts

We are excited to invite you to submit a paper/Poster for SAMYOJANAM 2024.

Presentations of papers and posters on focal themes are encouraged.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Committee, which will also decide the mode of presentation as to oral or poster. Authors will be notified of the acceptance by e-mail.  Committee will approve the abstract/papers. The decisions of the Committee are final on all matters pertaining to the presentation and publication. Participants willing to present papers/posters may send abstract within 200 words for approval.

General recommendations

The title of the abstract should clearly indicate the subject of the research, the method and purpose of the study. If selected, it will also be the title of the presentation. It is the responsibility of the authors that the papers are written strictly in British English. The editors will not do any text editing or reformatting. All diagrams, pictures, tables and equations used in posters should be visible and readable. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Committee.

Format for oral presentations and posters

All oral presentations will get 7 minutes followed by 3 minutes of discussion via a moderator. Outstanding submissions may be chosen for longer presentations. Submissions should be structured under the headings – Introduction, Methods, and Results & Conclusion. This is applicable to all abstracts whether it is basic or clinical research including literary research works. Research is a process of asking a question and finding an answer by using a methodology to obtain findings. This process should be highlighted in the abstract.

Abstract heading guidelines:
  1. Title of abstract – should be in sentence case, do not capitalize the title.
  2. Author(s) name(s) – provide first initial, name, and surname. The author who fills the form will be considered as the first author.
  3. Affiliated institution/organization(s) – Name of institution/ organization, city, state and country of origin should be provided. Provide affiliations of all coauthors as well.
  4. Email addresses of all the authors should be provided
Abstract text guidelines:
  1. Abstracts longer than 200 words will not be accepted.
  2. Abstract should be  structured in MS Word, Times New Romanfonts,12 pts.1.5 line space
  3. Abstracts as reports of original work should follow CONSORT extension for abstract for clinical interventions, STROBE Statement checklist for observational studies and ARRIVE guidelines for in-vivo research. The abstracts should contain brief but complete statements of: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results/Discussion, and Conclusion(s).
  4. Abstracts of other than original research should contain: An introduction to the issue being addressed, the aims of the work undertaken (e.g. a project, or a report or other document), an indication of the main content or findings in the paper, and a conclusion.
  5. The abstract must contain sufficient information to provide readers with a clear understanding of the study/report independent of the presentation.
  6. Non-standard abbreviations (NSA) must be defined in the instance of their first use as exemplified in this sentence.

After the approval of the abstract participant will be given15 days time to submit the full paper. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by e-mail. The full article must be submitted before the last date. These abstract will be published in a Souvenir.

Dates to remember  

Last Date for submission of Abstract: 30 September, 2024

Confirmation of abstract acceptance:15 October, 2024

Ppt file submission:  25 October, 2024

Poster submission: 25 October, 2024

Oral abstracts will be presented in separate sessions grouped in accordance with the themes of the conference. An expert in the field will moderate the presentations and chair each oral abstract session.The criteria for poster presentations are the same as for scientific papers.The schedule for the presentation of the oral abstracts and posters will be intimated to the authors on well before the conference date.

Guidelines & Template for Oral Presentation

All Oral Presentations will be delivered as part of a specific technical session. Each Oral Presentation is expected to be no longer than 7 minutes (5 minutes presentation and 2 minutes discussion).

The maximum number of ppt slides must be less than 12.

The time and slides limit given above will be strictly observed.

Guidelines for PPT (Power Point Slides)

Title of the Presentation should be bold and underlined. All the authors (as given in abstract) along with their affiliation and the name of the presenting author should be in bold letters.

The PPT must contain minimum of:

One slide explaining the background of the work

One slide with hypothesis and objectives

One slide with methodology (no details of procedures, only reference to methods)

4-5 slides highlighting results and discussing the salient findings

Final slide with conclusions

(Minimum font size in all slides should be 18)

Poster guidelines

  1. Be sure to include the abstract title, author and co-author names, and the institution(s) where research is underway.
  2. Written with the headings “Introduction/Background,” Methods,” “Results,” and “Conclusions”.
  3. Posters should be made in the dimension 4′ x 3′ and should include all essential information without being too lengthy. (i.e., length is no more than 4 feet and the width is no more than 3 feet).
  4. Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item included in your poster is necessary
  5. Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data) and Use high resolution photographs (web images often will not work).
  6. Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate your points.
  7. The poster (text and graphics) should be easily readable from a distance of about 2 meters. As a thumb rule, the text should be readable if the poster is printed out on an A4 sheet (e.g. Arial more than 16 points).

 Criteria for Judging Poster Presentations

Poster presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Quality and relevance of the abstract.
  • Content and lay out of the poster:

(a) The title, names of authors, and the institution (s) where the research was performed should be included at the top of the poster.

(b) Poster layout should be in a logical order, including text and graphics that explain the objectives of the research and why the research is important; hypothesis/statement of the problem; methods and controls; results; conclusions and future research; and references and acknowledgements